After a stay in Cyprus, where Pia actively approached new people and occasionally had a chance to chat with some of them, I decided to share my reflection related to the physiology of infants. For some time, precisely since Pia turned 4.5 months, we started having problems with her bowel movements - instead of appearing in her diaper twice a day, she began to soil her diaper every 3 to 6 days, despite being exclusively breastfed. So, the first thing I did was to go to a store in the USA to purchase some fruit dessert for relaxation. I grabbed apple and plum puree, which later turned out to be partly wrong. But let me explain further. As soon as we returned to Poland, we went to the pediatrician and learned that we should give grated apple and give up Pia's favorite bananas and carrots. If the stool becomes so hard that the baby cannot defecate, or there is blood in the stool, then we should worry and consult a doctor, who will prescribe laxatives. So we followed the above recommend...