Time was passing inexorably, and our moods worsened day by day at the thought of returning to Poland, which certainly had an impact on our little daughter. After several hours at sea, we arrived at the interesting island with two names, St. Maarten and St. Martin. Over 350 years ago, this island was divided between France and the Netherlands.
We reached the port located a few hundred meters from the capital of the Dutch part, Philipsburg. Unfortunately, even though we were officially in the Netherlands, our mobile phones refused to switch to EU tariffs. The heat was brutal, Pia was terribly tired, and to make matters worse, we were in a bad mood. Despite our heroic efforts to encourage the exhausted little one to sleep, we completely failed. Moreover, the modern port somewhat resembled an amusement park, so as you can imagine, we decided to evacuate quickly towards a less commercialized area. We took advantage of a convenient ferry connection, and after a few minutes, we were in the picturesque capital of the island.
Our beloved Pia slightly rejuvenated herself, unleashing the remnants of her magical power, and decided to actively explore colorful Philipsburg. Seeing all the commotion and stress, our very sympathetic friend Arek decided to cool down the tense situation with a cold coconut. Unfortunately, he also had the misfortune of paying for two coconuts to a friendly local who, while preparing the first one, accidentally aimed his machete at his own finger instead of the coconut shell. Blood, confusion, and our order were fulfilled only after 15 minutes. Our impatient Grzdylek was furious that he couldn't misbehave and had to patiently wait in the stroller... Nightmare.
I must admit that due to the situation on our deck, at the beach bazaars, I could only notice T-shirts with the following inscription ;)
What can improve the mood of the girls in such a situation? Shopping, of course. As it turned out, among dozens of bazaars, shops, and watch stores, there was a Ralph Lauren boutique. The clothes were lovely, but when comparing the prices to those in the USA. However, we managed to find fabulous sweat shorts for the little one, and then we continued to put Pia to sleep in better spirits. Unfortunately, our attempts at a shopping stroll also ended in failure.
So it was time to use another effective instrument - a car. Desperate Robert hailed a taxi with French license plates, negotiated the price with a friendly, slightly detached-from-reality "herb" enthusiast, and we set off to explore.
Our adorable little one fell asleep within seconds. We circled the island in 40 minutes, and alarmed by the need to wake up the little sleeper, we started looking for an excuse to stay a little longer in our taxi. We remembered seeing a YouTube video about planes landing almost on the beach. For a slight additional fee, our driver took us to this extraordinary place, and it turned out that we were very lucky. We arrived at our destination just 5 minutes before the landing of a gigantic Boeing 747, which the enthusiastic crowd had been eagerly anticipating. The three of us girls stayed in the car and watched the event from a slight distance. Robert and Arek rushed to capture this curiosity in photos. It was worth it, a shocking experience that cannot be repeated anywhere else in the world. The colossal plane flew about 10-15 meters above us and touched the ground about 50-100 meters away, all in the ambiance of the beach, turquoise water, and a Caribbean party.
Admiring the landing gave us another 40 minutes, so we managed to get a quick nap of about 1.5 hours. Upon returning to Philipsburg, Pia rested a little longer in her stroller, and then she embarked on an active exploration.
Filled with extraordinary experiences, we decided to taste the local cuisine, and once again, luck was on our side. Guided by instinct, we stumbled upon a small French bar that served delicious seafood.
St. Maarten made a generally positive impression on us. However, it is a place heavily geared towards tourists, and it's difficult to distinguish where the "Disneyland" ends and reality begins. It's not quite our style, but it's definitely worth visiting.
Oh, I forgot to mention another curiosity. Our driver not only showed us the island's attractions but also gave us an enlightening lecture on the medicinal effects of marijuana and the harmful effects of smoking crack, accompanied by a presentation based on examples of the locals we encountered. We kept hearing statements like, "She used to be a beautiful woman ten years ago, but now she's a witch, but no wonder because she smokes crack," or "I look 35 years old, but I'm actually 50 because I regularly smoke marijuana of course, not at work"
We won't verify those claims. In the evening, a glass of good wine (after finishing breastfeeding, of course) - definitely yes, but drugs, NO WAY!
Czas ucieka艂 nieub艂aganie, a nasze humory z dnia na dzie艅 pogarsza艂y si臋 na my艣l o powrocie do Polski- co z pewno艣ci膮 nie by艂o bez znaczenia dla naszej C贸runi . Po kilkunastu godzinach na morzu dotarli艣my do ciekawej pod wieloma wzgl臋dami wyspy "dwojga nazw" St. Matreen i St. Martin. Wyspa ta przed ponad 350 laty zosta艂 podzielona pomi臋dzy Francj膮 i Holandi膮.
My dotarli艣my do portu zlokalizowanego kilkaset metr贸w od stolicy cz臋艣ci holenderskiej Philsburga. Niestety pomimo, 偶e oficjalnie znajdowali艣my si臋 w Holandii to nasze telefony kom贸rkowe nie zechcia艂y przej艣膰 na taryfy UE. Upa艂 panowa艂 okrutny, Pia by艂a koszmarnie zm臋czona, a na domiar z艂ego dopad艂y nas z艂e nastroje. Pomimo heroicznych wr臋cz wysi艂k贸w zach臋cenia zm臋czonego Male艅stwa do snu ponie艣li艣my ca艂kowit膮 kl臋sk臋. Do tego nowoczesny port przypomina艂 nieco park rozrywki wi臋c jak si臋 mo偶ecie domy艣la膰 zdecydowali艣my si臋 na szybk膮 ewakuacj臋 w kierunku mniej skomercjalizowanym. Skorzystali艣my z dogodnego po艂膮czenia promowego i po kilkunastu minutach byli艣my w malowniczej stolicy wyspy.
Nasza Ukochana Piunia lekko si臋 zregenerowa艂a, uwolni艂a resztki magicznej mocy i postanowi艂a czynnie zwiedza膰 kolorowy Philsburg. Widz膮c ca艂e zamieszanie i stres nasz przesympatyczny przyjaciel Arek postanowi艂 och艂odzi膰 napi臋t膮 sytuacj臋 zimnym kokosem. Niestety r贸wnie偶 i on mia艂 pecha zap艂aci艂 za dwa kokosy mi艂emu tubylcowi, kt贸ry przy przygotowywaniu pierwszego zamiast trafi膰 maczet膮 na skorup臋 orzecha wycelowa艂 w sw贸j palec. Krew, zamieszanie i dopiero po 15 minutach zrealizowano nasze zam贸wienie. Nasz niecierpliwy Grzdylek oczywi艣cie w艣ciek艂y, 偶e nie m贸g艂 po艂obuziakowa膰 tylko musia艂 grzeczne wyczekiwa膰 w w贸zeczku.... Koszmar.
Musz臋 przyzna膰, 偶e ze wzgl臋du na zaistnia艂膮 sytuacj臋 na naszym pok艂adzie, na bazarkach przypla偶owych potrafi艂am dostrzec jedynie koszulki z takim oto napisem ;)
Co w takiej sytuacji mo偶e poprawi膰 nastr贸j Dziewczynom? Oczywi艣cie, 偶e shopping :). Jak si臋 okaza艂o w艣r贸d dziesi膮tek bazar贸w, sklepik贸w i sklep贸w z zegarkami pojawi艂 si臋 salon Ralph Lauren. Ciuszki by艂y 艣liczne, ale gdy por贸wna膰 ceny do cen USA brrrr..., Uda艂o si臋 nam jednak upolowa膰 bajeczne, dresowe spodenki dla Male艅stwa po czym ruszyli艣my, ju偶 w lepszych nastrojach, dalej usypia膰 Pi臋. Niestety spacerowo nasze wysi艂ki po zakupowe r贸wnie偶 okaza艂y si臋 kl臋sk膮.
Nadszed艂 wi臋c czas na u偶ycie kolejnego skutecznego instrumentu - samochodu. Zdesperowany Robert wymacha艂 taxi na francuskich numerach rejestracyjnych, wynegocjowa艂 cen臋 z mi艂ym, lekko wyalienowanym z rzeczywisto艣ci mi艂o艣nikiem „ziela” i ruszyli艣my na zwiedzanie.
Podziwianie l膮dowania da艂o nam kolejne 40 minut tak wi臋c wyrobili艣my minimalny 1,5 godzinny po艂udniowy sen. Po powrocie do Philsburga Pia pole偶a艂a jeszcze troszk臋 czasu w w贸zku, a nast臋pnie zabra艂a si臋 za aktywne zwiedzanie.
Pe艂ni niezwyk艂ych wra偶e艅 postanowili艣my zakosztowa膰 lokalnej kuchni i ponownie szcz臋艣cie nas nie opu艣ci艂o, wiedzeni instynktem trafili艣my do ma艂ego francuskiego baru, w kt贸rym serwowano pyszne owoce morza.
St. Marteen zrobi艂 na nas generalnie pozytywne wra偶enie. Nie mniej jednak jest to miejsce zbyt mocno zorientowane na turyst贸w. Nie wiadomo gdzie ko艅czy si臋 „Disneyland”, a zaczyna rzeczywisto艣膰. Troszk臋 nie nasz klimat, ale z pewno艣ci膮 warto odwiedzi膰 to miejsce.
Ach... zapomnia艂am o jeszcze jednej ciekawostce. Nasz kierowca nie tylko zaprezentowa艂 nam atrakcje wyspy, ale r贸wnie偶 przeprowadzi艂 pouczaj膮cy wyk艂ad na temat leczniczego dzia艂ania marihuany oraz zgubnych skutk贸w palenia cracku ubarwiony prezentacj膮 bazuj膮c膮 na przyk艂adach mijanych tubylc贸w. Co chwile s艂yszeli艣my informacje w stylu... „10 lat temu to by艂a pi臋kna kobieta, teraz to wied藕ma, ale nie ma co si臋 dziwi膰 bo pali crack”, „ja wygl膮dam na 35 lat, a mam 50 lat bo regularnie pal臋 marihuan臋 ;) oczywi艣cie nie w pracy ;)”.
Nie b臋dziemy weryfikowa膰 tych twierdze艅. Wieczorkiem, kieliszek dobrego wina (po zako艅czeniu karmienia oczywi艣cie) - zdecydowanie tak ale narkotyki NO WAY!
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