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Showing posts from January, 2018

Pia w Izraelu - dwa morza w cztery dni (Pia in Israel - two seas in four days)

Nasz kolejny wyjazd to wynik podatności Roberta na promocje lotów. Ryanair ogłosił wyprzedaż biletów na trasie Poznań - Ovda/Eilat i mój Mąż bez konsultacji kupił… Miało kosztować 53 zł na osobę, ale jak to w tanich liniach bywa, skończyło się na 700 zł za naszą trójkę (+ jeden bagaż rejestrowy - największy wydatek). Nawet taka cena za przelot jest niezwykle atrakcyjna, a wynika wyłącznie z dopłat, które przekazują przewoźnikom władze Izraela. W styczniu za bezcen można wynająć pokój hotelowy lub prywatny apartament. My zdecydowaliśmy się na sportowy hotel all inclusive. Był to trafny wybór ponieważ ceny w Izraelu są bardzo wysokie. Jedzenie w hotelu było doskonałe, a trunki wyborne ;-). Our next trip is the result of Robert's susceptibility to flight promotions. Ryanair announced a ticket sale for the Poznań - Ovda/Eilat route and my husband bought tickets without consulting me. It was supposed to cost 53 PLN per person, but as is often the case with budget airlines, it ended up b...

Pia - Bungee Workout

Tym razem loty, ale nie samolotem. Powoli, aczkolwiek systematycznie projekt Bungee Workout wchodzi w życie.  Oczywiście pierwsze testy i zabawy realizuje nasz dzielny Maluszek. Bungee Workout to doskonała zabawa, a jednocześnie możliwość wzmacniania gorsetu mięśniowego oraz wydolności. Doskonałe zarówno dla małych jak i dużych miłośników sportu. This time, it's not flying, but we're still taking to the air - just not in an airplane. Slowly but surely, the Bungee Workout project is coming to life. Of course, our brave little one is the first to test it out and have some fun. Bungee Workout is a fantastic way to have fun while also strengthening your core muscles and endurance. It's perfect for both young and old sports enthusiasts.

Pia in Kharkiv - dolphins, Arctic belugas, climbing, and the Champions League (Pia w Charkowie - delfiny, białuchy arktyczne, wspinaczka i Liga Mistrzów)

Is traveling with a child to the east of Ukraine a good idea? A few weeks ago, I would have said that it was an irrational question and the answer was a clear NO. However, common opinions do not always correspond to reality. I cannot even remember the circumstances that led Robert and me to go to Kharkiv. Maybe it was the promotion in LOT, or maybe we were tired of the daily routine... I don't know. But eventually, after a pleasant two-hour flight, we found ourselves in Kharkiv. We went through a rapid check-in at a nice, modern terminal and then we had our first surprise. We took an electric taxi to the hotel, and the nearly 40-minute trip cost us 19 zlotys. The Nemo Hotel we had booked was very clean and modernly furnished. Although it was advertised as a 5-star hotel, it was actually a decent 3-star, but we did not expect any extravagance. The available hotel options in Kharkiv were very limited, and the prices were quite high due to the UEFA Champions League match being held at...