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Showing posts from June, 2015

Pierwszy lot Pii Hydroplanem (Pia - her first seaplane flight)

Nasze Maleństwo uwielbia latać samolotami, nie mam problemów ze zmianą ciśnień, nie reaguje na turbulencje. Niemniej jednak dość poważnie obawialiśmy się jak zniesie lot hydroplanem.  Nasze doświadczenia z lotów tego typu samolotami w Kanadzie były jednoznacznie pozytywne. Jednak utkwił nam w pamięci dotkliwy hałas panujący w kabinie oraz dość gwałtowne lądowanie. Niestety nie mieliśmy wyboru, alternatywą dla 45 minutowego lotu z Male do Filtheyo była dwudniowa podróż łodzią. Po dotarciu do Male bez trudu trafiliśmy do punktu transferowego linii Trans Maldivian Airways (TMA). Uprzejmi pracownicy sprawnie odebrali nasze bagaże, a my zostaliśmy zaproszeni do kilkunastoosobowego busa, którym zostaliśmy przetransportowani do mieszczącego się na tej samej wyspie co port międzynarodowy - terminalu hydroplanów.  Infrastruktura tego największego na świecie portu wodnosamolotów wywarła na nas olbrzymie wrażenie. Wszystko zorganizowane dokładnie tak jak na tradycyjnym lotnisk...

Pia w drodze na Atol Faafu- Doha Hamad International Airport (Pia in the way to Faafu)

The renovated airport in Qatar has received numerous awards and is considered one of the best in this part of the world. Our feelings about it are, to put it mildly, mixed. If you happen to arrive at the airport during peak hours, you must be prepared for very unpleasant experiences. Twice we found ourselves in a situation where we were shuttled to the plane/terminal by bus. What's so terrible about that? Well, nothing really, except for the scorching 50-degree heat. In such conditions, descending/ascending stairs with a little one and then waiting in the bus for several minutes (with the doors open) for the remaining passengers turns into a nightmare. The next surprise is the security check, mandatory for all passengers arriving in Qatar, regardless of whether their destination is this country or just a transfer. During peak hours, you can wait for the security check for up to an hour. Since security procedures are mainly overseen by Indians, it's hard to expect special condit...

Pia w drodze na Atol Faafu - lotnisko Tegel (Pia in the way to Faafu - Tegel Airport)

After the unpleasant experiences in January with Tegel Airport, we decided never to fly from Berlin again. As is usually the case in life, when you make a decision, fate always plays a trick on you. So, four months later, we found ourselves in the German capital again to fly to Doha. Once again, Tegel Airport did not surprise us with anything positive. Widespread dirt, terrible organization, generally unfavorable conditions, especially after spending 5 hours on the road in the car for a long journey ahead. For example, Robert had to take the wrapped stroller, the so-called "green" one, to a special check-in point located several hundred meters away, one floor below. It wasn't a big problem for my husband, but I can't imagine the situation if I had to do it alone, with 16 kg Pia in one hand and a 15 kg stroller in the other, burdened with additional hand luggage that could only be carried in my teeth, running around this "super organized" (hopeless, in oth...