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Showing posts from January, 2020

Pia - przedświąteczny Gdańsk (Pia - pre-Christmas Gdansk)

You can also discover magic and good energy in Poland. Undoubtedly, one of the most beautiful and worth visiting places is Gdansk, where we spent a few days before Christmas to bring a bit of the magic of this wonderful time with us to Qatar. Magię i dobrą energię można odkryć również w Polsce. Z całą pewnością jednym z piękniejszych, wartych odwiedzenia miejsc jest Gdańsk, w którym spędziliśmy kilka dni przed Świętami aby zabrać ze sobą do Kataru troszkę magii tego cudownego czasu.

Pia w Katarze (Pia in Qatar)

Sometimes it's hard to believe in coincidences... fate... you can call it what you like, but our trip to Qatar proved that not everything happens by chance. Why did we choose Qatar for Christmas and New Year's? Because we love the Middle Eastern climate, warmth, and reasonably priced relaxation. While during the holiday season flight prices to the Emirates soar... Qatar, which has a reputation for being a little boring and not very party-friendly, becomes very affordable. We were worried that unlike last year's holiday in Arłamów, where Pia had plenty of company her age, this time she would have to rely solely on us. Our daughter is exceptionally social and loves to burn off huge amounts of energy with people her age. We were afraid that it would be a problem in Doha. Fortunately, we were wrong. Early in the morning, just after arriving on the hotel beach, we saw a little girl very similar to Pia, and after a while, another blonde girl appeared, along with a slightly older ...